Senior Regional Commercial Banking Fraud Risk Manager, Latin America, HSBC
Mexico City, Mexico
BA 2008, Rice University
JD 2011, South Texas College of Law
ARA Board term ends: 2019
Get to Know Adriana
What have you found to be most rewarding about serving on the ARA Board?
Meeting fellow alumni who also love Rice and want to continue to be actively involved in the Rice community long after graduation.
What is your favorite “Only at Rice” memory or story?
Being a new student O-Week advisor for two years was an incredible experience – I am still in touch with one of my O-Week students and best of friends with some of my fellow advisors.
If you could give one piece of advice to Rice students, what would it be?
As Rice students we often feel as though we need to have the next 5 or 10 years mapped out – it turns out we don’t. Be open to new opportunities and experiences, even if they weren’t listed in your “plan”.
Share a positive experience or outcome you’ve had via Sallyportal.
I’ve offered to review current students´ CVs and provide feedback, especially those seeking international opportunities in the financial industry. One student contacted me immediately after I posted the offer to help and it’s a great feeling to assist someone beginning their career. It’s also fascinating to see all the incredible activities our current students are involved in!