ARA Board of Directors
The Association of Rice Alumni is governed by a 28-member alumni board, which provides input regarding Alumni Relations operations and programs and serves in an advisory capacity to the Alumni Relations staff. Members of the ARA board represent the alumni body to the university and represent the ARA to its constituents—Rice alumni.
All Rice alumni are eligible to apply and be selected to serve on the alumni board. Board members serve a three-year term and must be committed to dedicating the time and energy necessary to make the ARA a success. Duties include attending triannual board meetings, serving on ARA committees, contributing to the Rice Fund and providing overall support for ARA programs and activities. Applications are made in writing to the nominations committee; for more information, click on ARA Board Applications.

David Mansouri '07
President, ARA Board

Tania Min '90 '92
Past President, ARA Board

David Leal ’03
President-Elect, ARA Board

Beverly Bian '04
ARA Board
Executive Committee

Brandy Hays
Morrison ’00, ’05
Alumni Trustee

Vinay Pai '88 '91
Alumni Trustee

John Sneider ’94
ARA Board
Executive Committee

Anna Christy
Stepp ’98
ARA Board
Executive Committee

Claudia Gee
Vassar ’99
Alumni Trustee