Rice Alumni FAQs

Featured here are the most frequently asked questions we get from Rice alumni looking for help accessing their post-graduation perks or looking for ways to continue their relationship with the university.

If you have a question that isn't listed below, please contact us at alumni@rice.edu or (713) 348-4057.

Stay Connected

How can I network with fellow Rice alumni?

Sallyportal.org, Rice University’s online professional development site, allows alumni, students and parents to connect in support of professional mentorship and to share career opportunities.

How can I connect with Rice alumni in my area?

The Association of Rice Alumni, in conjunction with local volunteers, has established regional groups around the nation and the world with the goal of fostering community through a range of programs and activities that are unique to each region and its members. Regional groups provide opportunities for alumni, parents and friends to interact with fellow Owls in their area and stay connected to Rice.

What are Rice’s affinity groups, and how can I learn more about them?

Affinity groups are largely Houston-based groups that are formed on the basis of shared ethnicity, professional pursuits, leisure activities and other common interests. To see a list of current affinity groups and learn how to connect with them or even start your own, please click here.

Where do I share and find class notes?

Back issues of Owlmanac can be found online through the Rice Portal. Contact your Class Recorder or submit your class note online via the Rice Portal.

Are there any official social media accounts for Rice alumni?

Yes, the Association of Rice Alumni has official social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

A full social media directory, featuring links to the accounts for campus friends and partners, alumni regional chapters, affinity groups and networks and programs can be found at alumni.rice.edu/social-media-directory.

Digital Services and Communications

How do I access the Rice Alumni Directory?

The Rice Alumni Directory is accessed through the Rice Portal. To sign up for your Rice Portal account, visit riceconnect.rice.edu. Please allow 3-5 business days for your account to be activated.

What is the Rice Portal and how can I access it?

The Rice Portal gives alumni and friends access to a variety of online resources to connect with each other and engage with the university. To sign up for your Rice Portal account, visit riceconnect.rice.edu. Please allow 3-5 business days for your account to be activated.

For more details and information, please see the Rice Portal FAQs.

What is the difference between the Rice Portal and Sallyportal?

Although they both share the word “portal” in their names, they each offer unique services to the Rice community.

The Rice Portal, formerly known as Alumni Online Services, provides alumni access to the Rice Alumni Directory, Owlmanac Online and Fondren Library’s online resources. The Rice Portal also allows you to update your contact information and manage your communication preferences to ensure that you receive your preferred Rice publications.

Sallyportal.org, Rice University’s online professional development site, allows alumni, students and parents to connect in support of professional mentorship and to share career opportunities.

How can I sign up for emails from the Rice alumni office or update my email preferences?

Email subscriptions and preferences can be managed through the Rice Portal. Log in to your portal account (or sign up for a Portal account if necessary) then select "My Communications Preferences" under the "Manage My Account" heading in the left-hand column.

How do I create an alumni email address?

Rice alumni are provided a Gmail email address with the custom @alumni.rice.edu domain. To sign up for one, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Rice Portal at riceconnect.rice.edu.
  2. Once you are logged in to the Portal, click “Alumni Email Signup” beneath “Links and Resources” in the menu on the left side of the home page.
  3. Complete the Alumni Email Request form and click the “Submit” button. Allow 5-7 business days for your email request to be processed.
  4. Once processed, you will receive a confirmation email from the Google Cloud Team with your username (email address) and a link by which to set your password. Please note that this link expires after 48 hours.

Please note that only those who are officially marked in our system as alumni will see the option to sign up for an alumni Gmail address. For recent graduates, it can take up to six weeks after commencement for this to be finalized. If you recently graduated and aren't seeing the option to sign up for an alumni Gmail address, please check back later.

Due to policy changes at Google, beginning July 1, 2022, additional Workspace components (including Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides and more) will not be available for Rice alumni accounts.

Where can I find help or technical support for digital services like the Rice Portal and alumni email accounts?

Please visit the ARA Help and Technical Support page. If your question is not answered there or you need additional support, please email arahelp@rice.edu.


How can I request my Rice transcript or find information about diplomas?

Transcript requests are handled through the Office of the Registrar and can be requested online.

For questions regarding diplomas or student records, or to order transcripts, visit registrar.rice.edu or email registrar@rice.edu.

How can I order a Rice Ring?

Eligible students may purchase their Rice Rings online at balfour.com/rice or by calling Balfour at (866) 225-3687 weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT.

Where can I order Rice regalia?

To order Rice regalia, please contact the Rice University Bookstore.

Can alumni use the Barbara and David Gibbs Recreation and Wellness Center?

The Barbara and David Gibbs Recreation and Wellness Center offers special rates for alumni. More information can be found at recreaction.rice.edu.

Can alumni access Fondren Library resources?

Fondren Library provides online access to selected resources through an agreement with the Office of Alumni Affairs. The Rice Alumni Digital Library's selected digital resources are accessed through the Rice Portal and require an alumni logon. More information can be found at library.rice.edu.

Where can I park when I return to visit campus?

Information about campus parking can be found at parking.rice.edu.