Human Resources Consultant
Houston, TX
BA 1984, Rice University
MBA 1987, University of Texas at Austin
ARA Board term ends: 2019
Get to Know Wanna
What have you found to be most rewarding about serving on the ARA Board?
I have enjoyed meeting new alumni.As a diverse board, you meet alumni from different decades and new career fields.
What is your favorite “Only at Rice” memory or story?
My favorite memory at Rice was playing on the intramural soccer team for Will Rice College. My roommates were all soccer players and I could only run and defend. Two of my roommates scored in the finals and we all celebrated at Willy’s Pub. Playing with them created a bond that has lasted over 30 years.
If you could give one piece of advice to Rice students, what would it be?
Relationships and experiences are important. Meet new people, make a new friend, get out of your comfort zone. Take an Art class, and a humanities course, go to a sporting event, women’s men’s it doesn’t matter, just get out and experience something new.
Share a positive experience or outcome you’ve had via Sallyportal.
Only a few people have selected Human Resources as a career, however, I’ve been able to connect with those interested. This connection feels like “paying it forward”.