Owlmanac Class Recorders
Class Recorders are volunteers who help their classmates and other alumni keep in touch with each other and with the University by communicating updates via Owlmanac Class Notes.
To submit a class note for the Owlmanac Class Notes print magazine, or to read previous issues of the magazine, please log-in via the Rice Portal. Once you are logged in to the Portal, click “Owlmanac Class Notes” beneath “Connect” in the menu on the left side of the home page.
If you would like to volunteer to be a class recorder email owlmanac@rice.edu or call 713-348-6783.
Recorders By Decade
Year | Class Recorder Name | Email Address |
1950 | Ed Millis | emlls@aol.com |
1951 | Gene Langworthy | ueee3ami@gmail.com |
1951 | George Laigle | glaigleman1@gmail.com |
1952 | Owlmanac Editor | owlmanac@rice.edu |
1953 | Peter Shannon | newpeterb@gmail.com |
1954 | Owlmanac Editor | owlmanac@rice.edu |
1955 | Owlmanac Editor | owlmanac@rice.edu |
1956 | Owlmanac Editor | owlmanac@rice.edu |
1957 | Shirley Dittery Grunert | sdgrunert@sbcglobal.net |
1957 | LaNelle Ueckert Elston | elstonl@att.net |
1957 | Anne Westerfield Brown | brownaw57@gmail.com |
1958 | Jim Greenwood | jmgrnwd@aol.com |
1959 | Marilynn Revis Wait | mwrice1959@gmail.com |
Year | Class Recorder Name | Email Address |
1960 | Trudy Abel Hester | TrudyHester@alumni.rice.edu |
1960 | Barbie Scott McKittrick | bmck4827@comcast.net |
1961 | Nancy Thornall Burch | nburch61@gmail.com |
1962 | Eleanor Powers Beebe | ebeebe@yahoo.com |
1963 | Kathleen Much | much.bookdr@gmail.com |
1964 | Lucy Meinhardt | lmeinhar@pacbell.net |
1965 | Cordell Haymon | cordell.haymon@pscgroup.com |
1966 | Jim Bearden | jbearden@ieee.org |
1967 | Owlmanac Editor | owlmanac@rice.edu |
1968 | Owlmanac Editor | owlmanac@rice.edu |
1969 | Linda Wald Gibson | lindawgibson@gmail.com |
Year | Class Recorder Name | Email Address |
1970 | Ann Olsen | ann.olsen@alumni.rice.edu |
1970 | Mike Ross | mikeross2@prodigy.net |
1971 | Ann Patton Green | annpgreene@gmail.com |
1972 | Tim Thurston | timthurston@hotmail.com |
1973 | Mike Alsup | malsup2020@outlook.com |
1974 | Cathy Cashion | cathy.cashion@gmail.com |
1975 | Tom Gehring | tom@tsgehring.net |
1975 | Sharon Readhimer Kimball | sharonrkimball@gmail.com |
1976 | Michael Hindman | mhindman@hmharchitects.com |
1977 | Connie Dressner Tuthill | connie.tuthill@gmail.com |
1978 | Chris Lahart | clahart@earthlink.net |
1979 | Owlmanac Editor | owlmanac@rice.edu |
Year | Class Recorder Name | Email Address |
1980 | Kathy Behrens | kathybehrens@verizon.net |
1981 | Gloria Meckel Tarpley | gloriameckeltarpley@ricealumni.net |
1982 | Susan Stone Woodard | suz.woodard514@gmail.com |
1983 | Jennifer Sickler | j.sickler@hotmail.com |
1984 | Gretchen Martinez Penny | gretchen.penny@gmail.com |
1985 | David Phillips | bigolpoofter@alumni.rice.edu |
1986 | Greg Marshall | gmarshal@rice.edu |
1987 | Owlmanac Editor | owlmanac@rice.edu |
1988 | Sonu Thukral Keneally | sonuk@alumni.rice.edu |
1989 | Sten L. Gustafson | stengustafson@icloud.com |
Year | Class Recorder Name | Email Address |
1990 | Gilbert Saldivar | saldivar@alumni.rice.edu |
1991 | Phil Miller | phil_miller_98@yahoo.com |
1992 | Alison Cohen | erisagirl44@yahoo.com |
1993 | Jamie Nelson | jnelson0612@hotmail.com |
1994 | Tom Harris | wthmd@yahoo.com |
1995 | Francisco Morales | texasliberal@hotmail.com |
1996 | Brooke Johnson Borden | borden.brooke@gmail.com |
1997 | Sara Chiu | drsarachiu@gmail.com |
1998 | Stella Hines and Ria Papageorgiou | ricegrad98@gmail.com |
1999 | Stephanie Taylor | whereisstephanietaylor@gmail.com |
Year | Class Recorder name | Email Address |
2000 | Felisa Vergara Reynolds | felisavr@gmail.com |
2001 | Kristin Johnson Aldred | kris.layne@gmail.com |
2002 | Scott Berger | csberger@gmail.com |
2003 | Julie Yau-Yee Tam | julietam@alumni.rice.edu |
2004 | Kate Hallaway | kateh@alumni.rice.edu |
2005 | Alex Sigeda | alex.sigeda@gmail.com |
2006 | Hugham Chan | hugham@gmail.com |
2007 | Clint Corcoran | clintc@alumni.rice.edu |
2007 | Becky Thilo Tuttle | becky@alumni.rice.edu |
2008 | Owlmanac Editor | owlmanac@rice.edu |
2009 | Gina Cao Yu | ginacaoyu@gmail.com |
Year | Class Recorder name | Email Address |
2010 | Emily Zhu Haynie | emilyahaynie@gmail.com |
2011 | Alex Wyatt | awyattlovett@gmail.com |
2012 | Daphne Wert Strasert | daphnestrasert@gmail.com |
2013 | Matt Mariani | mmariani16@gmail.com |
2014 | Molly Richardson Krueger | mollykrueger03@gmail.com |
2015 | Qizhong Wang | qizhong.wang2011@gmail.com |
2016 | Michaela Dimoff | michaeladimoff@ricealumni.net |
2017 | Margaret Lie | margaret.lie@ricealumni.net |
2018 | Meg Brigman | megbrigman@alumni.rice.edu |
2018 | Haley Kurisky | haley.e.kurisky@gmail.com |
2019 | Ike Arjmand | Isaac.arjmand@gmail.com |
Year | Class Recorder name | Email Address |
2020 | Adria Martinez | adria@texascres.com |
2021 | Kevin Guo | guokevin1@gmail.com |
2022 | Ben Li Zaltsman | zaltsmanben@gmail.com |
2023 | Jonathan Lloyd | jonathan.sc.lloyd@gmail.com |
Grad Notes
Year | Class Recorder name | Email Address |
Grad Notes | Jose A. Narbona | janv@rice.edu |