Volunteer Expectations
Attend Meetings
As a member of a Regional Alumni Leadership Group, you are expected to attend planning meetings and calls that set the agenda and plan the calendar of activities for the upcoming year.
To be considered an active volunteer, you can hold a leadership position, serve on a committee, attend an event or volunteer at an event. Other volunteer opportunities are listed on the Become a Volunteer page. Even the smallest volunteer roles make a big difference!
As a regional or affinity volunteer, it is important to actively participate in the programs and events sponsored in your geographic area or area of interest. Participation can take many forms, including helping with set-up/clean up, working the registration table, sharing events and programs via social media and/or personal outreach.
Become an Ambassador
Regional/affinity volunteers can serve as goodwill ambassadors in the community, create meaningful connections with other alumni and build audience and community participation. It is expected that volunteers respect, uphold and support the strategic mission and values of the Office of Alumni Relations and Rice University.
Update your biographical information
Be sure to log in to the Rice Portal to update your address, what you’re doing now, find your friends and create a profile to help streamline your event registration process.
Give what you can
Donations at any level are appreciated. Your contribution may be designated to a program sponsored by/held in your region, a specific academic department or program, student scholarships or just available to support the annual strategic initiatives of the university. Investing in Rice shows you are committed to the university's future and count your alma mater's priorities among your own.
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