What inspires you to remain so engaged with Rice?
Through good and bad, my time at Rice prepared me for every endeavor I have faced in my professional career, and for that I am eternally grateful. To whom much is given, much is required. I am inspired to remain engaged with Rice because I want to be a small part of making sure this university continues to improve the educational and social opportunities it provides to the next generation. I see how amazingly talented Rice students and alumni are and I know if we continue supporting and inspiring each other, we can literally change the world.
How have you evolved in your Rice journey since receiving the award?
The Builders Award was really a turning point in my confidence as a leader in the Rice alumni community. It was actually my last year of eligibility and it took me that long to truly understand how to be an impactful member of the alumni community. After receiving the award, I started to view myself as an alumni leader and I became more comfortable voicing my opinion in that role, while also volunteering in different capacities. I learned a great deal from my young alumni experience which also gave me the confidence to pursue new volunteer opportunities like Leadership Houston (Class 38), Junior League of Houston (Community Placement Chair) and co-teaching a Rice undergraduate college course with Dr. Alex Byrd.
Akilah’s advice:
The Rice alumni experience is only what you make it. Your Rice degree will provide many wonderful opportunities for you as a graduate of this university and for some alumni, that is enough. However, if you approach your alumni experience with the same excitement and curiosity you had, as a new Rice student, then you will find the alumni experience is full of promise. The alumni community is small enough for you to have an immediate impact as a young alum, but large enough for you to develop new relationships and pursue new experiences. Don't ever think your contribution is too small. Your presence at an alumni event or volunteering with current students is absolutely imperative to helping the Rice community thrive. If you can't donate some record-breaking amount to the school, still take the opportunity to routinely give an amount that is right for you; a student on campus is counting on your generosity!
What’s next for you?
I've volunteered in many ways over the last fifteen years and I believe each experience has allowed me to positively impact the Rice community, while also helping me grow personally and professionally. Moving forward, I am focused on continuing to build pathways for students and young alumni who are interested in the legal profession and/or careers in government. I also remain fiercely dedicated to supporting black students and faculty at Rice, to ensure they are valued members of our community and successful in their Rice journey.