Baja California: Among the Great Whales
Baja California is one of those places on the planet that supplies the human spirit with the tonic of wildness it needs, and few experiences are as rewarding. Each year California gray whales pause during their migrations to birth and nurse their calves in the birthing lagoons on the Pacific side of Baja California. Here you will spend time among the mothers and their calves, observing them at water level from Zodiacs, for a rare privilege with these gentle giants.
On the other side of the Baja California peninsula, in the Sea of Cortez, you’ll discover the uninhabited desert islands that dot the clear blue sea. Search for a variety of whale species, scores of leaping dolphins, and diving seabirds. Hike a forest of giant cacti, kayak or paddle board in protected coves, snorkel with sea lions, and join a naturalist aboard Zodiacs to observe the diverse birdlife along the shores. When you see Baja California’s islands with their desert landscape, rugged cliffs, and white sand beaches, you’ll understand immediately why they have been designated a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Travel with us aboard the 100-guest expedition ship National Geographic Venture and you will see, learn, and do more with our expert team of naturalists, including an undersea specialist, who knows this area well.
Please contact Lindblad Expeditions at 888-773-9007 or groups@expeditions.com to reserve today!